Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 4

I didn't want to wear this outfit this morning, but I had already penciled it onto my calendar so I made myself wear it. I'm not kidding you about the calendar. I'm a little obsessive when it comes to organization.
Then I looked in the mirror and all of a sudden I was in love. I'm convinced these boots were the best investment I ever made. Paired with a belt in the same color of leather, they can make any outfit look good.
This dress/tunic is my favorite article of clothing I own, its Libertine, and its all about the little details. The buttons have "diamonds" in the center, the sleeves are puffed, the chest has slight gatherings and ruffles, and its the perfect length. I've owned this for a few years now, and its one of the pieces I hope to keep forever and pass down to a future daughter, I think the style is pretty timeless.

Day 3

Yellow Pants. When I saw these at the store, I think I nearly squealed. Mustard yellow is one of my favorite colors, and what could be better than a pair of pants in your favorite color? So I bought my pants and went on my happy way. Then I drove for 2 miles...did I just buy yellow pants? Then I got home...Oh god, I just bought yellow pants. Then I sent a text to my sister with the picture below:

Sister: Are you wearing mustard yellow pants?!?!?!
Me: Yes! They're corduroy though, its ok ; )
Sister: Hahahahahahahaha. I love you.

She made me feel better, those simple words made me realize, yes I wear weird clothes sometimes, but that's why she loves me, I'm weird!

The bright color you see above is the true color!
This outfit was all about using the classic black and white to tone down the brightness of the pants and make it work appropriate. I didn't get a single dirty look! Maybe it worked? I didn't want to add a black necklace and make the outfit too staged, so I added a teal green Lucky necklace instead to give it a bit of color.

I have to say, I really enjoyed this outfit, It was very fun to wear!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 2

Do you see that on our mountains? SNOW. Yep, Utah has decided its had enough of this fabulous Fall weather. I knew it was too good to be true. In Northern Utah, our Fall season lasts about 2 weeks, this year it lasted 5 weeks, I guess I should be happy with what we got! However, this means I am going to definitely modify my items, I'll reconvene this weekend with my swaps.
Today's outfit: Lane Bryant tunic, Target cardigan, Alfani Skinny slacks, Seychelles flats, Kenneth Cole necklace.
Here is a closeup of the necklace, its one of my favorite pieces of jewelry.

And a close up of the ruffles on the shirt. Its actually pinstriped. I know, the first pic is so bad you can't really tell!

And one more just to make fun of myself! Don't ask what is going on with my hands, my husband and I were just talking about how much I HATE pictures. I'm telling you, this is a very hard experience for me!

So one thing I learned today, I REALLY like this outfit. I've never worn this combination before and I probably would have never made the connection. Kendi was talking about breaking rules in fashion and that is what I felt I was doing. Blue and white pinstripes? I would have never paired it with black before. Maybe white pants, or jeans, or even colored pants (mustard yellow, red) but never black, but again, I learned I really like how this looks!

Hey, Day 2 and this has already paid off! What have you guys discovered so far? Any unexpected likes/dislikes? Too soon to tell?

Happy Remixing!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 1

I'm going to start this off with an apology: My pictures are horrible! Unfortunetly I don't see them improving as by the time I get home from work/school its pitch black outside and we have to settle for horrible indoor lighting and iPhone pictures.

Second, It snowed today, SNOWED people! I might have to make some adjustments to my 30 picks, I knew it might snow towards the end of my 30 days, but not on my FIRST day! Oh boy, I'm in for a cold month!Close up of Ann Taylor Loft skirt.
Close up of Erin Featherson long sleeve shirt.

I'm going to wait out the snow for a few more days and see if its the real thing and going to stick or if its just a false alarm, I should know by the end of the week and if so, I'll have to make a switcheroo on some clothes before I wear them!

Happy remixing!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My 30 Items

Wow, last week was a complete wash! I didn't get one, single picture! By the time I got home from work and school it was about 9 pm each night. I am going to hit rewind and start again tomorrow. So I guess for me, it will technically be 5 weeks! Yikes!

I spent the whole weekend doing laundry, ironing, and "officially" picking out my 30 items. They are all sorted and folder in a laundry basket. It makes me kind of sad that I can fit my entire wardrobe for the next month in ONE laundry basket! Or maybe I'm just crazy, but I'm having major anxiety over just 30 pieces! Ha ha! My poor clothes are going to feel so lonely and neglected!

Ok, without further ado, here are my 30 picks! (Sorry about the bad picture quality, that is what I get for taking pictures at night.)

Brown Boots: Jessica London
Black Boots: Charles Albert
Grey Ankle Boots: Nomi
Black/White Oxfords: Qupid
Black Flats: Seychelles
Old Navy
Old Navy
Old Navy
Danna Buchanan
Apt 9
Lane Bryant
Art and Soul
Erin Featherson
Ann Taylor Loft
American Eagle
Old Navy
Yellow Cords: Old Navy
Jeans: Seven Jeans
Black Dress Pants: Alfani
1 VEST - Rogan
1 JACKET - Old Navy

Depending on the weather, I might switch out a pair of shoes for another pair of pants. I am a little hesitant about my choices because the weather is so crazy here in Utah, I am sure we'll have snow before my 30 days are up, so I will most definitely be wearing dresses and skirts in the snow! Oh boy!

Items that don't count, accessories, jewelry, belts, tights, leggings (snow), and undershirts (tank tops).

Good luck to everyone on this journey and I can't wait to get inspiration from other remixers!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Deets!

Wow, I gotta say, this Monday is starting off an eerily good foot. Not only was I on time to work, I was 15 minutes early! Its also the first day of the month, and it starts on a Monday. My OCD is very happy today.

Also, today marks the first day of my 30 for 30! I'll be back later with a list of all of my picks, and my first outfit photo.

For more details read from Kendi here. She is not starting until next Monday so you have a whole week to get on board!!!

Do it! Your wallet and closet will both thank you!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Gilt Love

Dolce and Gabbana on Gilt today, I'm drooling.

Monday, October 18, 2010

30 for 30 - A la Kendi Everyday!

I've been following Kendi's blog for quite some time now, and it sounds like she's getting ready for her 3rd Remix! I've sat in the bleachers for the last two rounds, but I'm finally ready to make the plunge!

If you don't know what 30 for 30 is, check out Kendi's summer edition here.

Basically, you pick out 30 articles of clothing including shoes, and remix those same items for 30 days. Kendi, throws in no shopping, and for the sake of my back account I'm doing the same!

The shoes are a killer for me, so I'm not quite sure yet, if I am going to modify the rules for my own game and say just clothing. I own a gazillion pairs of shoes and I'm not sure if I can limit myself to 3-4 pairs! We'll see, I'm still on the fence, and I have until November 1st to decide!

So, who wants to join in on the fun with me?!?!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The day before your long weekend...

and drags...
and draaaaaags...

Honestly, I have so much work to do that I shouldn't be complaining, but I am just not feeling motivated. Work has been very stressful lately, and school is even more overwhelming than usual. So what do I do in retaliation? Let myself fall even more behind!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fall Revival

You know its Fall when the leaves start changing color...(we heart it)

The new Fall fashions start coming out...
The Pumpkin Spice Lattes make a comeback...
You start making your Fall wardrobe purchases ; )
And berets are your comfy, go to, hair accesory.
Welcome back Fall, I'm so glad you're here.

Friday, April 9, 2010

She & Him

There is nothing like new music to brighten your day, and there is nothing like She & Him on a bright, warm, sun-shiny day.
Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward have done it again! Volume Two released on March 23, 2010 and after listening for a week, I can't put it down.

Check it out!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

On a down day...

Nothing makes me happier, faster, than The Beatles. As an avid Beatles fan, I love learning new things about my 4 favorite Brittish men, in particular George.

Today I learned that George and Olivia got married on Septmeber 2nd. The same day as Jake and I. Coincidence? I think not!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day!

So excited for this weekend to get here! Jake and I are going on a short weekend getaway to The Alaskan Inn, where we will be staying in our own personal cabin! We plan on going out to dinner and then cozying up next to the fireplace and watch some movies. I hope it snows : )
Saturday night, we might go down to Salt Lake City and go to the SLC 2010 Tattoo Convetion, we need some new art for our walls and there are always great artists there.

This year, I gave Jake his present a little early and it was more of a couples present anyway:
Tattoo'd couple dolls! I originally saw these on Danielle's blog at Sometimes Sweet , but the dolls are from SpitfireGirl. They are modeled after real tattoo'd men and women and they are BIG! I love these dolls, they are a great buy!

Anyone have any fun plans for Valentine's?