Monday, October 18, 2010

30 for 30 - A la Kendi Everyday!

I've been following Kendi's blog for quite some time now, and it sounds like she's getting ready for her 3rd Remix! I've sat in the bleachers for the last two rounds, but I'm finally ready to make the plunge!

If you don't know what 30 for 30 is, check out Kendi's summer edition here.

Basically, you pick out 30 articles of clothing including shoes, and remix those same items for 30 days. Kendi, throws in no shopping, and for the sake of my back account I'm doing the same!

The shoes are a killer for me, so I'm not quite sure yet, if I am going to modify the rules for my own game and say just clothing. I own a gazillion pairs of shoes and I'm not sure if I can limit myself to 3-4 pairs! We'll see, I'm still on the fence, and I have until November 1st to decide!

So, who wants to join in on the fun with me?!?!

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