Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me...

Holy crap, I am 23 today! Eeeeeeek. Just had to share how cute Etsy is: when you log in you get a little welcome message wishing you a Happy Birthday! Can you find me? I am on there twice, with my seller and buyer account!

Also when I got in my car this morning to go to work, I found this waiting for me!!! The new Yael Naim CD!!! Hubby put it in my CD player for me so it started playing as soon as I turned on the car! He is so cute! I have been listening to it all day at work! Check it out if you haven't already, its great! She also sings in Hebrew.

I have to show off the other stuff I got as well: an awesome Slash T-Shirt that I have been wanting forever! I love Guns N' Roses - what can I say?! Oh guess what I heard on the radio this morning? Dr. Pepper has offered Axl Rose a deal that if he finishes his CD "Chinese Democracy" which has been in the makings for 17 years (!), they will give each person in the United States a FREE can off Dr. Pepper! How awesome is that? I am not a fan of Dr. P but the owner must be a pretty dedicated fan of Axl Rose!!!

Also I got an awesome Hello Kitty easter basket filled with my favorite candy - which means it was all Reeses's Peanut Butter cup related, and these earrings!!! AHHHHH! I love Tokidoki, and I love even more that Jake knows exactly what I like! Yup, I think he is definitely a keeper! Thanks babe!

He is throwing me a Hello Kitty themed party on Saturday, so I will keep you posted... It snowed today so not too sure how its gonna work out but we'll see!


All Wired Up TOO said...

Happy Birthday Maura!

~Stella said...

Happy 23rd!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Maura! Love your new blog and I say, keep it personal with etsy thrown in. You can always start a web site for business stuff, but I like reading blogs with cute stuff, stories, unusual lives, pretty photos of people doing their thing...The Etsy pics and minis entice me to click on over, but the blog keeps me coming back for more. Hey! My son just came out with his new CD this week! Check it out! If you like music you might like this!
You can read about it on my blog postiong for march 28